Zensur & Zensur

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Zensur & Zensur



Germany's first (debatable,there were a few) ever punk band MALE released their 'Zensur & Zensur' album, now to be reissued. Anything was possible in those heady days. The Dusseldorf punk scene was without comparison in the years 1977 to 1979 and MALE were there in the thick of it, etching their name into German musical history - (later they morphed into DIE KRUPPS) :

1              Bilk

2              Risikofaktor

3              Kontrollabschnitt

4              Zensur & Zensur

5              1 Tag Haftbefehl

6              Haftbefehl

7              Vaterland

8              Polizei

9              Ampelstadt

10           Grosseinsatz

11           Zensur-Dub

12           Kh

13           Erinnerungen

14           Planspiel

15           Clever & Smart

16           Casablanca

17           Sirenen

18           Shit Family

19           Bilk

20           Grosseinsatz (Live)

21           Ampelstadt (Live)

22           Vaterland (Live)

23           Sirenen (Live)

24           Polizei (Live)

25           Zensur Zensur (Live)

26           Risikofaktor

27           Kontrollabschnitt (Live)

28           1 Tag DÃ1/4sseldorf

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